Are you a studio owner that would like to explore ways to help your dancers connect emotionally to their performance onstage? 
If so, then these workshops are for you.

The Power of Gesture helped my dancers to think outside of the box, challenge them to explore new ways of moving and communicate their emotions more effectively through movement. They gained new insights and skills that will serve them well in their future. They left feeling inspired, energized, and empowered to take their dancing to new heights. 

The students connected with each other's stories that they told through their gestures, creating a deep bond and truly understanding things they might not have known before. This workshop brought them so close!
Anne Brodsky - Founder of Encore Dance

The Power of Gesture Workshop for Dancers

The Power of Gesture Workshop for Dancers is carefully crafted to empower dancers in bridging the gap between their emotions and choreography. In today's tech-saturated world, children often find themselves disconnected from their feelings amidst the chaos of life. The result? Emotional turbulence and a sense of disconnection from their own experiences of joy, sadness, and everything in between.

The Power of Gesture™ rejuvenates dancers, equipping them with the tools to not only recognize their emotions but also express them through movement. By tapping into their emotions, this workshop offers dancers a pathway to personal growth, enhancing their skills both on and off the stage, and ultimately, fostering a deeper enjoyment of performance.

Watch the video below to witness firsthand the transformative impact of this workshop on dancers' lives.


  • Translate emotion into movement

  • Strengthen choreographic voice

  • Deepen connection inside community

  • Boost positivity and overall emotional well being

If you are looking for another workshop that will connect your dancers choreography and emotions see below.

What people are saying…

Emotional Mastery through Choreography

Emotional Mastery is a collaborative experience between Jen and the choreographer. Jen will support and teach The Power of Gesture™ to enhance the emotional connection to the story related to the piece of choreography being worked on. This process will help the dancers perform with confidence and create more ease in their bodies with the steps they have been given.

Take a look at the video below.


  • Perform with connection & purpose on stage

  • Strengthend performance skills

  • Ease in their bodies

My Why

When the 2020 Covid Pandemic hit, I saw a need. People were becoming disembodied and I knew I could help.

I'm familiar with the experience of living outside of the body, feeling disconnected and disempowered while being curious about what lies beneath. My journey was shaped by deep humiliation in 2nd grade and my experience as a student. Society had and still has a tendency to define intelligence based test scores and being that I did not do well on tests, I was looked over. As a result I developed a narrative that would come to shape my life. I wasn’t good enough, smart enough or worth of…… I got through it because I found coping mechanisms to navigate, escape, and conceal what was happening inside.

It wasn’t until my 20’s that I hit my rock bottom and needed to understand what I was experiencing and why. Along my self discovery journey I unveiled a hidden gift within me – I am a Kinetic learner. This was a revelation! I deepened my understanding of The Multiple Forms of Intelligence, a body of work written by Howard Gardner. Learning that Kinesthetic & Emotional Intelligence were my strengths gave me the insight I needed to understand how I learn and why I struggled. I finally understood that I needed to touch, feel, and experience the lessons presented so that the information could make an imprint on my mind and body.  This changed my life!  My entire story shifted and soon I realized that I am not at all less than; that in fact, I am more than I ever thought. I began to navigate life's decisions with confidence, and chose to relearn all that I had missed. I thrived! This inner voice became my ultimate guide, steering me towards a life of authenticity and fulfilment where I embraced my true self and found the path that resonated with my heart and soul.

This is how I came to create
The Power of Gesture™, a method that reminds and reconnects us to the divine intelligence and natural form of communication that were were born with; gesture. Through The Power of Gesture I help awaken the intuitive, strong and capable voice that lies within so that we no longer look outside of ourselves for answers. We learn, discover and reclaim who we are and who we are meant to be.

The Power of Gesture™ has the clear goal to empower dancers and teachers to connect emotionally to their choreography so that they can strengthen their performance and live authentically on and off the stage.